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Major Speeches, Addresses, & Proclamations of Abraham Lincoln

House Divided
Lincoln-Douglas Debates
Cooper Union Speech
First Inaugural
Emancipation Proclamation
Gettysburg Address
Second Inaugural

House Divided

A House Divided (American Rhetoric)

Lincoln-Douglas Debates

Lincoln-Douglas Debates (MOA)
Lincoln-Douglas Debates (Bartleby)

Cooper Union Speech

Cooper Union Address (American Rhetoric)

First Inaugural

First Inaugural Address -- 1861 (Bartleby.com)
First Inaugural Address --1861 (Avalon Project -- Yale Law School)
First Inaugural Address - Original Draft & Final Form (American Rhetoric)

Emancipation Proclamation

The Emancipation Proclamation -- 1862 (Avalon Project -- Yale Law School)
Emancipation Proclamation -- 1863 (Bartleby.com)

Gettysburg Address

Gettysburg Address (Cornell University Library)
The Gettysburg Address --1863 (Avalon Project -- Yale Law School)
Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address -- 1863 (Bartleby.com)
Gettysburg Address (American Rhetoric)

Second Inaugural

Second Inaugural Address -- 1865 (Bartleby.com)
Second Inaugural Address --1865 (Avalon Project -- Yale Law School)
Second Inaugural Address (American Rhetoric)

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