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Picture of Roger Sherman


Signer of the Declaration of Independence (Connecticut), Delegate to the Constitutional Convention (Connecticut)

Biographical Data
Religious Views
References, Links, & Further Reading

Education: some public schooling

Occupation: cobbler, surveyor, lawyer, merchant

Political Affiliation: Pro-Administration, Federalist

Religious Affiliation: Congregationalist

Summary of Religious Views:

Sherman, who seems to have been fairly devout, Joined the Congregational Church in Stoughton in 1742.

Views on Religion & Politics:


"It apears to me best that this article [the First Amendment] should be omitted intirely: Congress has no power to make any religious establishments, it is therefore unneccessary." in Congress, 19 August 1789

References, Links, & Further Reading: Books, Articles, Links


Notice: Many of the books listed below include a link to Amazon. I hope this benefits you by making it easier to locate material that may be of interest to you. This also benefits me, because I am an Amazon Associate. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. At present, these earnings are only enough to partially offset the costs of maintaining this website, but but I do deeply appreciate the support.

Roger Sherman Boardman, Roger Sherman: Signer and Statesman, 1938; reprint, Da Capo Press, 1971
Lewis Henry Boutell, The Life of Roger Sherman, McClurg & Co., 1896; reprint
Christopher Collier, Roger Sherman's Connecticut: Yankee Politics and the American Revolution, Wesleyan Univ. Press, 1971
Mark David Hall, Roger Sherman and the Creation of the American Republic, Oxford Univ. Press, 2012
ed. Mark David Hall, Collected Works of Roger Sherman, Liberty Fund, 2016
John G. Rommel, Connecticut's Yankee Patriot, Roger Sherman, American Revolution Bicentennial Commission of Connecticut, 1980


Scott D. Gerber, "Roger Sherman and the Bill of Rights", Polity, 28 (Summer 1996), pp. 521-540
Charles L. Goodrich, "Roger Sherman," in Lives of the Signers to the Declaration of Independence, 1856
Richard J. Werther, "Roger Sherman: The Only Man Who Signed All Four Founding Documents", Journal of the American Revolution, September 28, 2017


Works by Roger Sherman

Documents (Constitutional Sources Project)

Biographical Sites

SHERMAN, Roger, 1721-1793 (Biographical Directory of the US Congress)
Roger Sherman (National Archives -- The Founding Fathers)
Roger Sherman (ushistory.org: Signers of the Declaration of Independence)
Roger Sherman (Soldier-Statesmen of the Constitution -- Center of Military History, United States Army )
Roger Sherman, Revolutionary and Dedicated Public Servant
Roger Sherman (Signers of the Declaration of Independence -- National Park Service)
Roger Sherman (Descendants of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence)

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