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Signer of the Declaration of Independence (Connecticut), Delegate to the Constitutional Convention (Connecticut)
Education: some public schooling
Occupation: cobbler, surveyor, lawyer, merchant
Political Affiliation: Pro-Administration, Federalist
Religious Affiliation: Congregationalist
Summary of Religious Views:
Sherman, who seems to have been fairly devout, Joined the Congregational Church in Stoughton in 1742.
Views on Religion & Politics:
"It apears to me best that this article [the First Amendment] should be omitted intirely: Congress has no power to make any religious establishments, it is therefore unneccessary." in Congress, 19 August 1789
References, Links, & Further Reading: Books, Articles, Links
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Scott D. Gerber, "Roger Sherman and the Bill of Rights", Polity, 28 (Summer 1996), pp. 521-540
Charles L. Goodrich, "Roger Sherman," in Lives of the Signers to the Declaration of Independence, 1856
Richard J. Werther, "Roger Sherman: The Only Man Who Signed All Four Founding Documents", Journal of the American Revolution, September 28, 2017
Works by Roger Sherman
Documents (Constitutional Sources Project)
Biographical Sites
SHERMAN, Roger, 1721-1793 (Biographical Directory of the US Congress)
Roger Sherman (National Archives -- The Founding Fathers)
Roger Sherman (ushistory.org: Signers of the Declaration of Independence)
Roger Sherman (Soldier-Statesmen of the Constitution -- Center of Military History, United States Army )
Roger Sherman, Revolutionary and Dedicated Public Servant
Roger Sherman (Signers of the Declaration of Independence -- National Park Service)
Roger Sherman (Descendants of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence)
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