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Picture of Abraham Baldwin


Delegate to the Constitutional Convention (Georgia)

Biographical Data
Religious Views
References, Links, & Further Reading

Education: Yale

Occupation: lawyer, minister, educator

Political Affiliation: Democratic-Republican

Religious Affiliation: Congregationalist, Presbyterian

Summary of Religious Views:

Baldwin, licensed as a minister after his graduation from Yale, served as a chaplain to Connecticut troops from 1777 to 1783. During this time he was offered a Divinity professorship at Yale, but refused it.

Views on Religion & Politics:

Baldwin believed that religion was important in molding good citizens, & hence approved of a strong interplay between government & religion. He appears to have held a "nonpreferentialist" view, believeing that people of all religious views shoud be treated fairly & equally.


References, Links, & Further Reading: Books, Articles, Links


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M. Merton Coulter, Abraham Baldwin: Patriot, Educator, and Founding Father, Vandamere Press, 1987
Henry Clay White, Abraham Baldwin: One of the founders of the Republic, and father of the University of Georgia, the first of American state universities, McGregor Co., 1926


ed. by Patrick J. Furlong, "A Sermon for the mutinous troops of the Connecticut Line, 1782," New England Quarterly, 43, December 1970, pp. 621-31


Anonymous, "Abraham Baldwin," Georgia Historical Quarterly, 3, December 1919, pp. 169-173
Robert P. Brooks, "Abraham Baldwin, statesman and educator," Georgia Historical Quarterly, 11, June 1927, pp. 171-78
Patrick J. Furlong, "Abraham Baldwin: A Georgia Yankee as Old-Congress Man," Georgia Historical Quarterly, 56, Spring 1972, pp. 51-71


Works by Abraham Baldwin

Documents (Constitutional Sources Project)


BALDWIN, Abraham, 1754-1807 (Biographical Directory of the US Congress)
A Biography of Abraham Baldwin 1754-1807 (Hypertext on American History)
Abraham Baldwin, Georgia (National Archives -- The Founding Fathers)
Abraham Baldwin (Soldier-Statesmen of the Constitution -- Center of Military History, United States Army)
Abraham Baldwin (1754-1807) (New Georgia Encyclopedia)
Abraham Baldwin (Georgia Historical Society)
Abraham Baldwin and the Establishment Clause, by Mark J. Chadsey

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