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[Library of Congress]
31st President (1929-1933)
Education: Stanford University
Occupation: engineer, humanitarian, writer
Political Affiliation: Republican
Religious Affiliation: Society of Friends (Quaker)
Summary of Religious Views:
Views on Religion & Politics:
"For centuries, the human race believed that divine inspiration rested in a few. The result was blind faith in religious hierarchies, the Divine Right of Kings. The world has been disillusioned of this belief that divinity rests in any special group or class whether it be through a creed, a tyranny of kinds or of proletariat. Our individualism insists upon the divine in each human being. It rests upon the divine in each human being. It rests upon the firm faith that the divine spark can be awakened in every heart. It was the refusal to compromise these things that led to the migration of those religious groups who so largely composed our forefathers. Our diversified religious faiths are the apotheosis of spiritual individualism." -- American Individualism -- 1922
"I come of Quaker stock. My ancestors were persecuted for their beliefs. Here they sought and found religious freedom. By blood and conviction I stand for religious tolerance both in act and in spirit." -- New Day, 1928
"I cannot conceive of a wholesome social order or a sound economic system that does not have its roots in religious faith. No blind materialism can for long engage the loyalties of mankind. Economic aspiration, though it strongly marks the American system, is not an end in itself, but is only one of many instruments to accomplish the profound purposes of the American people, which are largely religious in origin. This country is supremely dedicated, not to the pursuit of material riches, but to pursuit of a richer life for the individual." -- Address on the 150th Anniversary of the Battle of Kings Mountain, 7 October 1930
"I send cordial greetings to the Americans of Lutheran faith who are celebrating on October 31 the anniversary of the Protestant Reformation and the 400th anniversary of the reading of the Augsburg Confession, from which date so many of the changes in point of view from older conceptions both of religion and government. The effects of these historical events are reflected in our National life and institutions, in religion through the predominant numbers of adherents to Protestant faiths and in Government through the principle of separation of church and state. It is fitting that we should commemorate the persons and events from which mighty forces have sprung." --Message to American Lutherans on the Anniversary of the Protestant Reformation, 9 October 1930
"One of the proudest traditions of our history is the early date at which our Nation committed itself unreservedly and permanently to the principle of freedom of conscience, and the very early action of Maryland in this respect was one of the important influences leading to the adoption of this principle. The strong support of the foremost Revolutionary patriots, including Washington, Jefferson, Franklin and many others, was decisive in fixing this principle in our Constitution as the permanent and beneficent policy of our country." -- Message to the Calvert Associates, 8 April 1932
"The migration of our forefathers to America was in refuge from the continued regimentation of men and men's minds still frozen by classes, by feudalism, by the churches, and by governments. Liberty was already implicit in their religious beliefs and their spiritual aspirations. Their purpose was to establish it in government." -- The Challenge to Liberty, 1934, p18
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