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[Nixon Presidential Materials Staff]
37th President (1969-1974), 36th Vice President (1953-1961)
Education: Whittier College, Duke University Law School
Occupation: Lawyer
Political Affiliation: Republican
Religious Affiliation: Quaker
Summary of Religious Views:
Views on Religion & Politics:
"To me, the greatness of the universe is too much for man to explain. I still believe that God is the creator, the first cause of all that exists. I still believe that He lives today, in some form, directing the destiny of the cosmos." -- "What Can I Believe?" (college essay), 9 October 1933 (quoted in RN: The Memoirs of Richard Nixon, 1978, p. 16)
"As you know, the separation of church and state is not subject to discussion or alteration. Under our Constitution no church or religion can be supported by the U.S. Government. We maintain freedom of religion so that an American can either worship in the church of his choice or choose to go to no church at all. This complete freedom has opened the way for 103 million of our citizens to be members of 308,000 American churches." -- Telegram to Dr. E. S. James, Editor, Baptist Standard, 21 October 1960
"My reticence about public displays of religious faith flows both from the style of my family's religious observances and from a belief that God's will is expressed by men through their actions toward and on behalf of others. In living a Christian life, faith is the first step. Acknowledging your faith is the second. But the most important step is using the energy and creativity faith gives you to make the world a better place." -- In the Arena, 1990, p. 89
"I believe a minister cannot carry out his major mission in life as effectively if he dabbles in politics." -- In the Arena, 1990, p. 90
"In the long term, whether a church is on the right or the left, the more political it becomes, the less appeal it has religiously." -- In the Arena, 1990, p. 91
"I believe children should be allowed to have a moment of silence in schools. But I do not believe an ammendment allowing school prayer belongs in the Constitution. America has become a great nation in large part because we are conceived and nurtured in strong religious faith. But the real test of faith is whether it is strong enough to tolerate other faiths." -- In the Arena, 1990, p. 91
"While the majority should not impose its religious views on the minority, the minority should respect the views of the majority. Reverse bigotry by the minority is just as reprehensible as bigotry by the majority. For instance, to oppose the display of Christian religious symbols in public places at Christmas is both petty and silly." -- In the Arena, 1990, p. 91
"Many of the Europeans who came to the New World were fleeing repressive religious authority, so it is no surprise that the Founders called for a strict separation of church and state. It was not that they were irreligious but rather that memories of a tyrannical church made them see the wisdom of a separate civil authority. Hundreds of years later, many in our intellectual elite mistakenly interpret the Constitution as requiring our society to be totally secular." -- In the Arena, 1990, p. 92
"It is important to observe the separation of church and state mandated by the Constitution. But in framing this provision, its authors could not have imagined a society in which religion did not play a dominant role. We should not use the requirement that religion be kept out of politics as an excuse to try to drive it out of our lives." -- Beyond Peace, 1994, p. 21
"Those who join the religious right may be dispatched to lie down in the entrance of an abortion clinic, while those on the religious left can help you arrange a demonstration against U.S. policy in Latin America. Neither has much to offer the individual who is searching for answers to more fundamental, deeply spiritual questions." -- Beyond Peace, 1994, p. 22
"One of this nation's great strengths is that we are a diverse nation, with many competing convictions and interests. Free and open public debate has made us stronger, not weaker. There are, however, some basic virtues that all Americans of goodwill can share: honesty, fidelity, thrift, hard work, patriotism, diligence, self-discipline, gratitude, and a belief in liberty, religious freedom, and equal opportunity." -- Beyond Peace, 1994, p. 236
"Religious freedom has served from the beginning as the cornerstone of our economic freedom and political liberty." -- Beyond Peace, 1994, p. 237
"The Constitution may require that we not promote religion in our public schools. But that should not mean rejection of religion in our lives." -- Beyond Peace, 1994, p. 238
"The founders did not intend to weaken religion by separating it from civil authority. They believed that the real test of faith was whether it is strong enough to tolerate other faiths. They were right." -- Beyond Peace, 1994, p. 238
"The profound influence of religion on American politics is vital, but it is best when indirect: on the morals, habits, and souls of individual Americans; on the political climate and the principles that should guide policy, rather than on specific policies themselves.
"Government cannot reach into people's hearts. Religion can." -- Beyond Peace, 1994, pp. 238-239
"Those on the right and the left who believe the clergy should play an active role in politics ought to consider the dismal record of the Islamic theocracies . . ." -- Beyond Peace, 1994, p. 239
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Hunter S. Thompson, "He Was a Crook," Rolling Stone, 16 June 1994 (reprinted in The Atlantic)
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