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Peter Roberts

A picture of me taken by my son when he was 9.
I was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, & graduated from the University of Pittsburgh. Although I earned a BS in mathematics, & have enjoyed a lifelong interest in the sciences & mathematics, my primary professional activity (aside from a bit of consulting), both before & after college, has been writing, especially poetry (here's my listing in A Directory of American Poets and Fiction Writers [links to more up-to-date listings of my published poetry & fiction can be found below; if you want to get in touch with me, please email me.]).
Here are a couple of my hyper-poems; a few of my early poems; a brief essay outlining my ideas on art & creativity; & an essay questioning the validity of economic theory.
Here are lists of my published poetry & fiction (as you may have noticed, most of the information on this page is a bit dated, but I do strive to at least keep these lists current).
My wife & I have lived in various locations over the years. We currently reside in Ohio. You can view some rather old family photos here.
To contact me, you can email me at
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